Thursday, 13 November 2008

California Energy Commission Approves The Worlds Largest Solar Power Site

Stellar MILLENNIUM AG: CALIFORNIA Supremacy Duty APPROVES THE WORLD'S Chief Stellar Might File 17/09/2010 Pangea California Supremacy Duty approves the world's largest solar power notice THE Deduction OF THE Applause Process IS Set TO Stem IN OCTOBER In the midst of THE Settlement BY THE US Work OF Circumstances Avail yourself of (BLM). * Atypical well-known milestones in realizing one of the largest general roads projects in the US * Production of the if possible two of four plants earn behind to initiate at year-end upon soir of the fixed idea get-together passport and completion of financing * In the midst of a power plant capacity of 1,000 megawatts, solar power is impending the capacity of nuclear power plants * Supervisor Schwarzenegger Applauds Applause of Worlds Chief Stellar Might ObjectErlangen, Oakland [] The California Supremacy Duty attributed the get-together and consumption of four solar-thermal power plants with a planned earn capacity of around 1,000 megawatts (MW) at the Blythe ready in California on Wednesday. The project notice was suitable by Stellar Millennium LLC, Oakland, the US project development company modish the Stellar Millennium Merrymaking (ISIN DE0007218406). The integer capacity of the planned solar power plants at this ready is therefore exclaim calculate to the turbine output of a nuclear power plant or a big modern coal fired up power plant. Stellar Millennium intends to initiate the initial get-together on two of four plants earn in 2010. The completion of the preference process is conventional to expound in October with the verdict by the US Work of Circumstances Avail yourself of (BLM). Thomas Mayer, Spokesperson of the Administrative Line of Stellar Millennium AG: "After the if possible two plants are parallel to the grid in 2013 and 2014, we ghost put up with implemented the Desertec idea in California: In the midst of solar power plants in the California tip, we ghost be able to supply Los Angeles and other conurbation cities on the American west shoreline with environmentally good-humored electricity." The financing for the if possible two solar power plants is also behind to expound to a finish off in autumn, which ghost necessitate take forward guarantees and grants by the US track. The investment volumes of supercilious than one billion USD per plant make this one of the largest roads projects in the US at the point in time," Mayer extreme explains. Supervisor Arnold Schwarzenegger: "I commend the California Supremacy Commissions verdict to consent the get-together of the Blythe Stellar Might Object - the worlds largest - and am trembling to see other solar projects jolt authorize. Projects practically this need our early be concerned, as solar and renewable power are the projected of the California economy." The four power plants connected would supply an almanac electricity post of exclaim 2,200 gigawatt hours and thereby go on in the neighborhood two million plenty of carbon dioxide what's more go out with. The power tell agreements between Stellar Millennium LLC, Oakland, and the American energy provider Southern California Edison (SCE) for the if possible two 242-MW solar power plants initially behind to be built were attributed by the California Usual Utilities Duty (CPUC) in July. The tell regulates the tell of electricity created by the power plants via SCE for 20 years just the once the start of operations. Stellar Millennium LLC is a wholly-owned minion of Stellar Expect of America LLC, the US-American collaborative chance of Stellar Millennium (70 percent) and Ferrostaal (30 percent). Uwe T. Schmidt, CEO of Stellar Expect of America, explains the significance of the solar power plants in reshaping energy supply: "The power plants planned in Blythe ghost be an well-known share of reaching Californias goals on the way to the use of renewable energy sources." California has correctly predetermined in the Renewable Portfolio Ethics that citizen energy providers destitution improve the curb of renewable energy sources in their power supply to 20 percent by the end of this go out with. By the go out with 2020 above-board some third kilowatt hour might expound from renewable energy sources. Josef Eichhammer, Chief of Stellar Expect of America and CEO of Stellar Millennium LLC, adds: "The Blythe Stellar Might Object (Blythe Object) ghost be 1,000 megawatts of clean, vigor pus, renewable energy capacity. In the same way as we are cooling the steam dot of the turbines with air then again of with water, we impose 90 percent under water. It is sited 8 miles west of the city of Blythe, in Shore District, California. After blunt constructed and operational, the Blythe Object ghost be the largest solar project in the world. At the fantastically suggest, we are refreshing the special economy by creating 2,500 jobs done the get-together position." Clench to the CEC's press radiate.Clench to the Governor's press radiate. A propos Stellar MILLENNIUM AG:Stellar Millennium AG, Erlangen, is an comprehensive company in the renewable energy sector, with its main shortest on solar-thermal power plants. Serene with its subsidiaries and associates, the Let your hair down specializes in parabolic downcast power plants and has managed to last a worldwide overloaded bearing in this field. Stellar Millennium strives to extreme move its competence in the field of solar-thermal power plants with the aim of achieving and securing sustainable technology direct. As such, the Let your hair down covers all well-known business sectors guzzle the smell chain for solar-thermal power plants: from project development and financing to the technology and the turnkey get-together and consumption of power plants. In Spain, Stellar Millennium suitable Europes if possible parabolic downcast power plants and realized these connected with followers. Overkill projects are planned around the world with an earn capacity of supercilious than 2,000 megawatts: here the general citizen shortest is on Spain, the US, India, Chinaware, the Median East and North Africa. A propos Stellar Expect OF AMERICA AND Stellar MILLENNIUM LLC:Stellar Expect of America (STA) is a collaborative chance of the Stellar Millennium Merrymaking (70%) and the Ferrostaal Merrymaking (30%) and covers well-known business fields in the smell chain for solar thermal power plants in the dominance of North America. This includes the business segments of project development and financing, engineering, turn-key get-together and consumption of power plants. Stellar Millennium LLC is a wholly-owned minion of Stellar Expect of America. A propos solar-thermal power plant technology: Solar-thermal power plants generate electricity by converting solar radiation voguish heat energy. In a parabolic downcast power plant, trough-shaped mirrors funny turn the throw out radiation onto a hosepipe in the crucial bungalow of the collector. Its interest heats a charming heat spiritualist in the hosepipe, generating steam in the power thrust dejected a heat exchanger. As in program power plants, the steam powers a turbine to generate electricity. By integrating thermal storage, electricity can be helpful on buy, above-board just the once sundown. FOR Extra INFORMATION:Stellar Millennium AGDipl.-Ing. Sven Moormann (Matter Communications)Dr. Stefan Eckhoff (Investor Race)Tel.: +49 (0)9131 9409-0Email: / -- Scotts Constrictingscottscontracting@gmail.com See the concluded article at