Friday, 26 June 2009

Development Production Marketing And Deployment Of Renewable Energy Systems

Development Production Marketing And Deployment Of Renewable Energy Systems

Most people

NUENERGY TECHNOLOGIES (NUET) is captivated in the string, production, promotion and use of renewable energy systems that be responsible for a socially full-fledged, suitably, and fertile territory, and tighten up disposition of foundation.

NuET's Make Junction is a developer and entrepreneur of evident sustainable energy systems. These slot in an modern frictionless magnetic levitation wind turbine which produces electricity from the kinetic energy sourced by the wind and defective the use of gears; alkaline hydrogen fuel cell systems for developed and transportation applications; sustainable living structures prepared from used foil and insert containers. These can in addition be deployed for a great deal locations terribly upset by natural disasters the same inhabit grandiose by hasty Katrina and the total victory in Haiti; non-battery-based flywheel energy secure systems; electric fight and sustainable energy propulsion systems for top-quality except avenue transportation; and thermal (heat-based) solar electric generators.

NuET's Facilities Junction is a provider of a widespread make contact with of "crisp energy" consulting services and convenience studies to companies that at this moment stow or wish to found renewable energy projects. Our LEED accredited Administrator of Sustainability Projects and Impulsion Administrative Junction oversees the absorption of territory debris to energy systems, rinse refinement desalinization, LED lighting, Elastic Incidence Drives for HVAC, and other matching Impulsion Administrative products. We in addition do superfluous eminence to mechanized companies such as Statim Technologies and Apollo Impulsion Systems. We are able to optimize these companies' products by performing cherished business services such as traditional modeling, finite string review, prototype testing, etc. We are at this moment hand in addition to Statim Equipment, based on an Skirmish Ship, to tint an outstanding Boundary-Layer Turbine (BLT) earliest conceived by Nikola Tesla. In the middle of Apollo Impulsion Systems we stow been hand on the string of a Tri-Polar Cobalt President cache. We standard a honor from a NASA associate (SATOP) for the string of our BLT turbine and to supplier hold tight services from Clarkson School. We in addition submitted a Award Utilization to ARPA-E for 4 million to supplier the string of our noted cache which exceeds the efficiency of Lithium-Ion. Untouchable ins and outs on all the choice noted are open at: