www.biofuelwatch.org.uk/2012/rocs open letter/
We hold tight upon the UK and Scottish Governments1 to purpose subsidies for electricity from biomass and bioliquids (i.e. agrofuels) which auxiliary self-important land-grabbing, logging and industrial tree plantations inclusive.
Numb the Renewables Function, the UK and Scottish Bylaw are expound big subsidies for burning pronounced amounts of wood, upper limit of it imported, as fit as agrofuels for electricity. Period the UK Bylaw has future to cap the branch of subsidies for electricity from agrofuels, that cap would cool take to mean fashionable a minimum of 110,000 hectares of new plantations, upper limit likely oil palm plantations in the global South.
"THE Fundamental OF THE UK'S BIOMASS PLANS: "The UK Bylaw desires to see biomass generating up to 50TWh by 2020. This would presage greater 50 and possibly greater 60 million tonnes of wood personage burned in UK power stations any court, compared to a extreme UK wood production of not more than than 10 million tonnes annually. This total is likely to increase, as the pronounced subsidies are likely to withdraw self-important property from companies. By correspondence, extreme EU wood shot imports were 11 million tonnes list court.2
At present, upper limit UK wood imports originate from North America, as fit as from Scandinavia, the Baltic States and Russia, contributing to self-important logging and self-important firewood and biodiversity wound in persons regions as fit as releasing large amounts of carbon as a result. Companies are slowly looking to source wood from industrial tree plantations in Southern countries, too, for example from Brazil and Ghana. All through and expansively, the extroverted new journalists for wood presage an early payment of industrial tree plantations and hence self-important land-grabbing, self-important wound of forests and grasslands and self-important manage and dirt of soils and freshwater. This poses a greatly warning to the citizenship and livelihoods of Area Peoples, forest-dependent peoples and small farmers.
"AGROFUELS FOR ELECTRICITY IN THE UK:" The UK proposes to burn 400,000 tonnes of bioliquids burned in UK power stations, which, if they were run on palm oil mystified (by far the cheapest bioliquid) would presage 110,000 hectares of deduct to be sure to plantations. Undergo in Germany and Italy shows that palm oil is by far the upper limit likely type of agrofuel to be burnt in power stations. This thrust auxiliary yet self-important land-grabbing, mortal citizenship abuses and carbon emissions from deforestation.
"SUSTAINABILITY Morals FOR BIOMASS AND BIOLIQUIDS: "The UK stately insists that it can source biomass and bioliquids `sustainably' and as such proposes to get underway biomass `sustainability morals from 2013. For agrofuels, EU morals otherwise furnish to renewable electricity subsidies in the UK. Agrofuel and future biomass sustainability morals are brashly inadequate: Expert all, they do not house the inherently flawed personality of the new journalists for wood and vegetable oil personage bent, on top of an otherwise substantially flawed journalists for any in the UK and spanning Europe. Morals discount all convoluted impacts from biomass and agrofuels, as fit as all impacts on communities, mortal citizenship, the recently to silage, put in at and water. What's self-important, the carbon nest egg rations for biomass and bioliquids frozen the criteria are a feigned object, as the come close to by which carbon emissions are consider incorrectly assumes that burning bioenergy is carbon-neutral. And represent thrust not set to rights be any undo auditing or collaboration of companies' claims.
"NO SUBSIDIES FOR BIOMASS OR BIOLIQUIDS ELECTRICITY:" By grave up the journalists and the global fee for wood and energy crops such as palm oil through subsidies (called Renewable Function Certificates or ROCs), the UK's policy on industrial biomass and bioliquids is set to worsen deduct grabbing and hypothesis for tree plantations, raise negative logging, pluck up the trade of biodiverse native forests to monoculture tree plantations, and worsen coarsen differ. The stately requirement anthropomorphize it cares about inhabit and humankind by investing in clean and moral renewable energy solutions that do not adversely stroke the global south.
We along these lines hold tight upon the Junction Express to scrub all brace procedures for biomass and bioliquids and to line up on hurtful the journalists for energy, together with through property in energy cleverness and home coat and focussing brace on purely renewable and sustainable energy technologies very.
Signed by:
ADP (Amics de Palanques), Spain
Africa-Europe Responsibility ">AFRICANDO, Spain
Afrika-Europa Pattern, Netherlands
Agencia de Desarrollo Muggy, Argentina
Amaz`onia Assemblea de Solidaritat, Spain
American Immature Condition Studies Extend beyond, US
ATTAC Espa~na, Spain
Biofuelwatch, UK/US
Biomass Dependability Extend beyond, Massachusetts, US
Current Brush Air Huddle up, UK
Buckeye Forest Convention, Ohio, US
Bushwacker Wholefoods, UK
Dispute Against Stick out Alter, UK
CAPPA-Ecological Decency, Indonesia
Carmelitas Descalzas de Olza, Spain
Internal for Unaffected High-quality, US
CESINSAD, Colombia
CISP - Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli, Italy
COECOCEIBA-Friends of the Be given Costa Rica, Costa Rica
Colectivo de Ex Detenidas Desaparecidas "Carmen Soler" Asociaci'on HIJOS PY, Paraguay
Comisi'on de DDHH de Paraguayos Residentes en Buenos Aires, Argentina
Comite Oscar Romero, Spain
Interested Intimates of Franklin District, Massachusetts, US
Consejo de Organizaciones de M'edicos y Parteras Ind'igenas Tradicionales por la Salud
Comunitaria en Chiapas, Mexico "i+/- Organization Europe Observatory, Netherlands
Dachverband Kulturpflanzen- und Nutztiervielfalt e.V., Germany
Dogwood Association, US
Have a lie-down to Be given, UK
Be given 3000, Germany
Immature College of the Philippines, Philippines
Econexus, UK
Ecoportal, Argentina
Eco Sitio, Argentina
Edinburgh 350, UK
Giant Lead, UK
Espacio Bristol-Colombia, UK
Forest Follow, UK
Consultation "Okologie ">Friends of the Siberian Forest, Russia
Fundacion del Rio, Nicaragua
Widespread Forest Grouping
Grangemouth Empathize Convention, Scotland
Green Delaware, US
Grupo Autoayuda Los Andes, Germany
Good Dubois District, US
INCOMINDIOS, Switzerland
Institut f"ur angewandten Regenwaldschutz/Regenwald-Institut. e.V., Germany
Irish Doctors Immature Union, Ireland
Kalpavriksh, India
Line Our Atoll Brush, Hawaii, US
Labour,Condition and Mortal citizenship Rise up Centre, Nigeria
LevegA` Munkacsoport (Brush Air Act Huddle up), Hungary
Les Amis de la Handiwork et des Jardins (ANJ), DR Congo
Movimiento Nacional de Victimas,M.N.V., Paraguay
Stately Union of Helpful Environmentalists (Associates of the Be given Uganda, NAPE),
No North Blyth Biomass Hold close Incurable, Scotland
NOPE (No Oil Palm Nation-state), UK
No Leith Biomass Dispute, UK
No Southampton Biomass, UK
North East Peoples Association, India
Oakland Start off, US
Olympic Immature Convention, Washington, US
Organizacion Fraternal Negra Hondure~na, OFRANEH, Honduras
Philippine View for Protection of Environment and the State, Philippines
Safe place Talbot People Against Hold close Stations, UK
Adhere to Pepeekeo Condition and Environment, Hawaii, US
PTAirwatchers Safe place Townsend, WA, USA
Reforest the Be given, UK
Regenbogenkreis, Germany
Rettet den Regenwald e.V., Germany
Salva la Selva, Spain
Sparse Americas Forests, US
Second Random Foundation, US "i+/- Sobrevivencia / Associates of the Be given Paraguay
College for Threatened Peoples Transnational
Timberwatch Grouping, South Africa
Umweltinstitut M"unchen e.V., Germany
War on Make happy, UK
Westf"alische Gesellschaft f"ur Artenschutz e.V. (WGA, Westphalian College for Protection),
Wight Biomess, UK
Wiregrass Activists for Brush Nation-state, Georgia, US
Conception Rainforest Drift
Conception Demonstrative Rainforest Pattern
1The UK Bylaw is trustworthy for decisions re renewable energy subsidies for England and Wales just. In Scotland, such decisions suppress been devolved to the Scottish Bylaw.
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