Sunday, 8 July 2012

How We Got Wind Power Out Of Committee

How We Got Wind Power Out Of Committee
Jeff Montgomery writes in the News Journal that wind power made it out of a House committee yesterday through popular support, sound arguments and a bit of tactical maneuvering:

Legislation to force the state to approve a proposed offshore wind farm to generate electricity was sent to the full House late Wednesday, after a committee hearing dominated by supporters of a 150-turbine project east of Rehoboth Beach.Now that's what I'm talking about. By "dominated," we mean that the every seat in the room was filled, and that Delmarva Power president Gary Stockbridge was the only speaker out of more than twenty who spoke against the Bluewater Wind project. Maybe if we keep this up, legislators will get the idea that people really want offshore wind power in Delaware.

A little tactical maneuvering helps:

Rep. Gerald W. Hocket, R-Ocean View, the committee chairman, had indicated earlier that he would seek tabling of both resolutions. But Rep. John Kowalko, D-Newark South, pressed for approval of the forced approval measure in exchange for agreement to allow a House vote to spread the costs.After year, we have sharpened our arguments:

"I want the PPA [project]," Wilmington resident Tom Noyes testified at the hearing Wednesday. "I want the price protection that this will provide. Despite what you hear from Delmarva Power, they do not represent my interests. This body represents my interests."Roughly half of the speakers made similar points about the economic benefits of wind power. Professor Firestone continues to refine the economic case for wind power:

"A long-term, fixed price contract is like insurance," said Jeremy Firestone, a University of Delaware professor of marine policy and legal studies. "That's why we might be willing to pay a little more, because we're reducing risk" of energy shortfalls or paying higher prices for fossil fuel-based power, he said.A positive attitude is important. Maria Evans of WGMD closed her dispatch from last night on an upbeat note:

"More to come...and you know it's all gonna be good...."Not quite; wind power has some determined opponents in Leg Hall. But yesterday's small success shows up what it's gong to take to get this done."
