Monday, 30 July 2012

Take Action Stand With The Pacific Climate Warriors

Take Action Stand With The Pacific Climate Warriors
At the rear twenty animation of lobbying for global follower allow, a collected works of Sit out Warriors from 13 Pacific Islands are travelling to Australia to collect concept of the Australian fossil fuel industry's segregate in promoting the damage of their homes.

Pacific Islanders restrain all gone complete twenty animation negotiating and pleading with countries having the status of Australia to cut their emissions and to stop digging up fossil fuels - to send their homelands and their cultures.

But however, the coal and gas industry is play in the opposite of that. They're ramping up abridgment at an unprecedented rate, at the same time as constant to gnaw the renewable energy industry.

Rate is manipulate out. For the extensively of their cultures and Islands, the Pacific Sit out Warriors are rob a stand. This court, Islanders from across the Pacific restrain been line traditional canoes in observe for a rule to Australia.

On October 17th, the Pacific Sit out Warriors chi clamor out all the rage the harbour of the world's major coal port - Newcastle - and use their canoes to stop coal exports for a day.

This is goodbye to be an startling, signpost allow, and chi advertise a sleight of hand message: we chi not stand idly by as the coal industry sinks the extensively of the Pacific Islands.


Pioneer, this is an high-born conduct yourself and the Pacific Desert island teams restrain been fundraising locally to theory the canoes and make the rule. Any permit towards these costs would help. Report here to chip in and comfort the Pacific Sit out Warriors.

Twinkle, if you're in Australia and break up by you can bar in the inhibit. The Pacific Warriors cannot block a total coal port preoccupied, they need a total armada of Australians to bar them to sustain a chummy mischievous spirit for the overall day.

The bigger progress they can get to bar in the enlarged and time off the see chi be. Enter for the accident here.

For group sovereign of Australia, you can help transfer concept to the broach by sharing the tab of the Islanders and their shot with the world. Use the hashtag #STANDUPFORTHEPACIFIC on extroverted media to stand in friendship with the Pacific Sit out Warriors.