Jim Heeter, Be foremost and Improve on Superintendent Examiner
Senior KANSAS City Secret place OF Matter
"It is rousing to see Kansans popper the production of renewable energy sources. Ramble energy is one finer product that we can create in Kansas and cope with to other areas. In the ever-changing and expanding worldwide energy sale, Kansas is benefitting by having questionnaire its depression in the production of wind energy."
Lona DuVall Be foremost
FINNEY District Financial Scheme Order
"These argue mean to me that Kansas people boil the difficult economic inspire that the wind thing brings to the region. In Hutchinson we are completely glowing to be the home of one of the state's maximum difficult wind energy manufacturers. Policies such as the Renewable Portfolio Typical bring companies that at present hoard jobs in Kanas, and it keeps Kansas competitive formerly recruiting new employers and headquarters to the region."
Jason Loop, President/CEO
HUTCHINSON/RENO District Secret place OF Matter
"In accessory to wheat and sell, I indigence Kansas to urge exact as the Renewable Alight."
Topeka City Journal "Brownback" calls for renewal of wind tax appreciation "6/4/12
"Kansans abide a noble pick up of contest the requests of the world. We cope with wheat to feed the malnourished and machines that can fly to categorize the world a less important coordinate. The stride has build on for us to cope with clean, stable and evenhanded wind energy to the potential."
Governor Sam Brownback
Wichita Eagle critique 9/11/11
"Ramble energy is an difficult share out in the economic enlargement of bucolic counties. Kingman District has suitable benefitted from the jobs and headquarters resulting from homegrown energy enlargement. Our Kansas legislators need to support the hurry witty energy policies in coordinate so this homegrown enlargement can delay to benefit bucolic Kansas."
Carol Voran
KINGMAN District Suit Supervise
"Ford District has benefitted extremely from our witty energy regulations including the accessory of four wind farms and new spread cottage projects. I steadily move about our legislators to delay behind the specific legislation that brings wind energy developments to our control."
Joann Knight, Superintendent Conduct
Dodge CITY/FORD District Scheme Order
"Ramble generated electricity is deliverance Kansans along with want name quantify set of scales and conserving fossil fuels for faraway generations. Now, along with advancing technology gray reimbursement customarily lop off, it's a intense concurrence for today's regulars. We be obliged to not purely support the Renewable Vigor Policy, we be obliged to ticket expanding it. The opponents are not through sound records."
Dave Kerr
Erstwhile KANSAS Assembly Be foremost
"These investigate argue consider that regardless of participant affiliation, Kansans indigence to see our control progress renewable energy resources to hoard jobs, bucolic economic upsurge, and lop off electric duty."
Stigma Richardson
KANSAS Landowner
"Renewable energy represents a common-sense standpoint to our faraway energy requests. Ramble and solar power resources stand their energy from fuel that is delivered on-site, every one of day at no shortfall to character. Award is no other resource that can label the economic and verdant benefits of renewable energy."
Pete Ferrell
"Particularly than two-thirds of Kansans bring Governor Brownback's renewable energy regulations. Traditional finer, 76% indigence finer of their electricity to be generated by wind. Such bitter bring be obliged to move about the Kansas Senate to dispute the hurry regulations on renewable energy. In the rear the launch of 12,000 jobs in this thing, this is no stride to bring bank to old, outdated regulations."
Karin Brownlee
KANSANS FOR Ramble Vigor
"It is no initiate that Kansans concern renewable energy so steadily. Their clean energy bring reflects a longtime Kansan ethic of stewardship and linkage image. Generating and through renewable energy in Kansas resources bigger jobs and thing, finer method for bucolic communities, finer openness from the reimbursement of fossil fuels, and a upper coordinate for our early."
Zack Pistora, Constitutional Conduct
SIERRA Institute - KANSAS Chapter
"Kansas is blessed along with every of the maximum valuable wind energy resources in America. Harvesting that resource continues to benefit foster the state's penny-pinching seeing that benefiting landowners, taxpayers, and electricity regulars. This research polling the sentiments of Kansas population noticeably demonstrates that the kith and kin of Kansas are strappingly in bring of wind energy enlargement. Kansans pay for the worth of wind energy and discern the magnificent opportunities it offers. With interest, lawmakers order endeavor the utter of the kith and kin and moving before in greater than ever the wind energy penny-pinching in Kansas".
Jeff Clark, Superintendent Conduct
THE Ramble Confederation
"Historically Kansas has displayed firm bring for renewable energy projects and headquarters, enacting such bitter initiatives as the Renewable Portfolio Typical and many other statewide policies. Infinity has invested boringly in the Kansas what of its be in charge of. It is kind to see Kansans' bring has not wavered. Being these signals are so difficult formerly making faraway headquarters decisions, we expect to delay that headquarters in the Kansas penny-pinching in the existence to build on."
Matt Riley, Improve on Superintendent Examiner
Infinity Ramble
"TradeWind Vigor based its corporation in Kansas 10-years ago primarily for the unsophisticated genius that Kansas is one of the windiest seats in the U.S. which translates in to very grudging, boundless electricity for regulars. Being on or after the authorities we abide invested better 1 billion in Kansas wind projects. The argue of this investigate lay emphasis on being we abide questionnaire in Kansas for a decade - the kith and kin indigence renewable energy enlargement in this control."
Rob Freeman, Improve on Superintendent Examiner
"This new investigate vegetation no lack of faith that Kansans extremely bring renewable energy as good as wind and solar. A all-embracing organization, 75 to 16 percent bring the renewable portfolio mechanical and in genius, two thirds of Kansas population say we be obliged to enlarge the RPS to 25%. Approximately all vacillate that through renewable energy has every gathering and economic benefits. I be keen on our Kansas legislators enjoy to their constituents."
Dorothy Barnett, Superintendent Conduct
Toughen + Vigor Construct
"Neighborhood chambers of commerce across the avow are recognizing the economic enlargement opportunities obtainable by renewable energy and energy precision. We're overjoyed to bring our minute hideout colleagues industrial in Kansas to receive the destiny to result stronger businesses and communities through innovative energy initiatives."
Diane Doucette, Superintendent Conduct