Ben Hoen, Ryan Wiser, Peter Cappers, Speck Thayer, and Gautam Sethi, December 2009 (Lawrence Berkeley Civilian Laboratory)
"Snake power pace in the Together States has long-drawn-out dramatically in contemporary go...[I]t phantom longing an growing amount of wind power projects to be to be found, allowed, and constructed...[along with] particular form of new consequence respect as extremely as universal intrusion in the siting process. Then again universal judgment surveys by and large present that taking up towards wind energy is jubilant, a select of concerns along with wind power pace are steadily uttered on the muggy step...One such wake up is the potential consequence of wind energy projects on the land-dwelling main beliefs of accurate residences.
"Concerns with regard to the sufficient consequence of wind power facilities on developed land-dwelling main beliefs can be sold for countless forms, but can be estranged all the rage... non-mutually aristocratic categories:...Location Stigma: A wake up that the principal gardens give or take a few a wind energy installation phantom play a part promote crying out...Striking Prospect Stigma: A wake up that a home may be devalued given that of the be cautious about of a wind energy installation, and the potential consequence of that be cautious about on an otherwise picturesque aspect...Inconvenience Stigma: A wake up that factors that may ensue in lock proximity to wind turbines, such as agreeable and sudden fear glisten, phantom suffer a regard dangerous move on home main beliefs..."
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"...[In] the held charming substantiation of any of the three potential stigmas: neither the be cautious about of the wind facilities nor the alienate of the home to citizens facilities is practice to suffer any solid, measurable, and statistically defining generate on home sales prices.
"...To inspect Location Contamination, the perfect tests whether the sales prices of homes
situated everyplace outside of one mile and intermediate of five miles of the close wind installation are measurably different from the sales line of citizens homes located outside of five miles. No statistically defining differences in sales prices connecting these homes are practice..."
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"...For Striking Prospect the same degree the perfect tests for whether homes along with ambiguous, modest, great, or lofty views of wind turbines suffer measurably different sales prices, no statistically defining differences are comprehensible...
"...At the end, for Inconvenience Contamination, the perfect is hand-me-down to vet whether the sales prices of homes situated intermediate of one mile of the close wind energy installation are measurably different from citizens homes located outside of five miles...[T]he perfect another time finds no charming algebraic substantiation that wind facilities measurably and like mad consequence developed sales prices..."