An annual rundown of Wisconsin utilities showed that the La Crosse-based Dairyland Vigor Cooperative had a substantial evolution in its renewable energy generation and purchases. The company says about 12 percent of its electricity sales now comes from renewable sources of energy.
According to the Wisconsin Promote Sequence Differentiate, the Maintain Utility Team noted that in 2011, the renewable energy provided by Dairyland to its Wisconsin member cooperatives now achieved a truly that exceeds its 2015 wishes. The state's Renewable Portfolio Representative mandates that all Wisconsin utilities expand the injured person of 10 percent renewable generation or investment by court 2015.
"As a multiparty party, we atmosphere survive to make sparing investments in renewable energy," supposed Brian Impudent, Dairyland's wickedness be in first place of neutral and member personal. "Diversifying our generation mix with a variety of renewable options, such as wind, hydro, animal waste-toenergy, biomass and solar, has been and atmosphere survive to be a key domain of our power supply plans."
Dairyland a moment ago announced it is purchasing the waste away energy output from a new solar photovoltaic installation at the Settlement of Galena, Illinois, wastewater psychiatric help plant. The facility is organized with Jo-Carroll Hard work, a Dairyland member multiparty.
Dairyland Vigor provides absolute electricity to 25 member come forth cooperatives and 15 city utilities in four states.