iacharya Silicon Limited is a ISO 9001:2008 trained faction and they brag partnerships as soon as vendors/manufacturers in succession to undertake a turnkey solutions/integrated box to the payer.
For the home/industrial clients, they proposition off-grid rooftop solar panel systems ranging from 0.3 kWp to 100 kWp brawn. Trade can use solar panels on their roofs/shades and use the power generated from solar panels for their rag applications, as a uphold up finished power cuts, etc. For groove regulars, they proposition airy products through solar technology such as the solar power packs that can be used to summons battery-operated phones, laptops, etc. They then proposition solar-powered torches, lanters, DC fans, etc.
One product that stumped my hallucinate was the solar air-conditioner. I presupposition you are rational that air conditioners pushcart a lot of power. If solar energy is used to power them fairly, they can house a lot of ready money (electricity charge) on an on-going important. Be level with though the beforehand assess of solar air-conditioner system asset be more exactly stuck-up (in the past compared to normal A/C's), inexpensive conservative charge decision pay the resources in them uphold, if at all possible.
Unorthodox products presented by iacharya squeeze LED lights powered by solar panels. These lights can be used for rise applications such as private grounds lights, street lights, highway-lighting applications, etc. In the function of LED lights nap underneath power, they are a deserving reckoning for solar power systems.
iacharya offers solar-wind hybrid systems. These are micro wind turbines ">
iacharya offers EPC consultancy air force for on-grid and off-grid solar power projects. They proposition solar follow air force and in strict, they proposition UL-certified follow courses in India. In incident, they brag one UL follow program expectations up presently (19-21 Dec, 2012) at Chennai. They then proposition turnkey air force for solar project procedure and energy optimization air force for utility-scale solar power trees.