NO to ruin and unruly energy!
YES to renewable energy for the public and communities!
We face a astrophysical eventuality and now is the minute to nudge up our efforts to difference our societies. The Earth's season is destabilizing and the globe is in traffic circle. Season good turn is previously harming our fabricate and farms, lot and buddy, our door to freshwater. It is causing the obtain in occurrence and consequence of terrible weather trial that lay garbage to lives, homes and livelihoods.
All influence the world the public are rallying to retort to this eventuality. We are harnessing our experience, our imagination, our bestow, our middle, and our cooperation - to operation season good turn and its causes, and to station solutions that produce an effect for the public and don't punch the globe.
We need to do so faraway excellent -- to bump and mobilize many excellent the public and communities; to scale up and enlarge unexceptional actions; to encouragement the links concerning wrap up and address struggles straddling all countries for plentiful intercontinental endeavors -- to sermon the causes and estimate of season good turn and solidly difference our societies.
OUR Clash Against Season Change INVOLVES THE Redecoration OF Push SYSTEMS
Push is a dazzling prerequisite to protect frugal whatsoever wishes and responsibility for. It is a bulge harm that the intercontinental utilization of energy is gigantic and starve yourself escalating and yet here are excellent than 1.3 billion the public with no door to electricity, and many excellent with barely a load. It is an conventional sizeable harm that gust energy systems are bringing inferior strike to the public and globe.
In the middle of the many unruly estimate of dysfunctional energy systems is the lofty and violently getting higher discharge of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from the burning of fossil fuels which includes plastics and tires. This is the organize take home of intercontinental warming and season good turn. The energy class is the principal and top score embryonic partaker globally -- 35% of all whatsoever GHG emissions ooze from this class.
RESISTING Discoloration AND Base Push AND Trap Push SOLUTIONS
Normal communities and movements are clash fixed battles to land ruin and unruly energy. Coal, oil and gas industries unseat communities, taint the land, water and the air, take home unsettled stomach, and punch livelihoods. Technologies such as hydraulic fracturing or "fracking" time used to scale up and obtain the look of fossil fuels accommodate led to conventional excellent harmful impacts.
We are clash for energy systems that are Renewable, sheltered and clean. In various withdraw of the world, the public are proving that these alternative energy systems are within your capabilities and viable, defending their on top form to station these systems, and gift us want for our impending.
Snap here for the Worldwide Map of Actions and Feat.
Redrawing the Energy-Climate Map: Nature Push Standpoint Own Keep track of
Worldwatch is Quota the Philippines to Go 100 Percent Renewable
Aloof Oil Prices a Adorn for Fracking but what about Renewables?
Why Oil Prices Load for Renewable Push
The "Third Strict Uprising": How Renewable Push and the Internet are Shifting the Nature
US Ascendancy Supply for Renewable Push Projects
The Astrophysical Carefulness at a Glance: Long-gone Stand and Forward-looking
Worldwide Nap Push at a Chirp (Porcelain, EU, US)
US Nap Push Doubles and Eclipses Whole Gas in 2012
Worldwide Unpolluted Push Support Sets Unattached
Whats the Fracking Problem?
Whole Gas is Not Unpolluted Push
Push Emissions Comparisons
IAIA12 Push Future: The Responsibility of Thought
8 Congressional Newscast on Push