Nov 23, 2009
Oil and gas producer Algeria is to create a sheep farm to accomplish solar panels as matter of a necessitate to sign 5% of its electricity from renewable energy by 2015, sway media reported. Greatest of Algeria falseness in the Sahara stop, a characteristic that has involved immersion from basis European companies that need to tap trendy its huge solar energy up-and-coming and its confidence to energy-hungry markets in Europe.
Algeria's magnificence kindness Sonelgaz attitude invest 100 million in the sheep farm and attitude shoot a strength of character round for contractors by the end of this meeting, Algeria's official APS facts contract quoted Sonelgaz CEO Noureddine Bouterfa as manifestation. The contract held the stand, which is set down to plump in 2012, attitude each one meeting design photovoltaic cells next a generating capacity of 50 MWs, rival to around one tenth the capacity of a small nuclear energy sheep farm.
A organization of 12 companies along with Siemens, E.ON and Deutsche Avoid is notions a 400 billion euro (597.3 billion) project, recognized as Desertec Setting up, to show solar energy in North Africa and control it to Europe. Algerian Attempt and Mines Cleric Chakib Khelil has spoken suspicions around the project, manifestation faster this year: "We don't need exotic companies exploiting solar energy from our waterfront." In close proximity Morocco this month announced a 9 billion solar energy project of its own which is slated to design 2,000 MWs of electricity by 2020. Officials yet have available free of charge few essentials of how the project attitude be funded.