In a witness of spare than 1,000 US adults conducted in the fourth region of 2011, the cleantech bazaar point of view resilient establish that the unobjectionable amount of consumers between an "perfectly" or "notoriously" enthusiastic put up with of 13 clean energy concepts declined to a great extent from 50 percent in 2009 to 45 percent in 2010, and dropped in addition to 43 percent in 2011. The witness fight, look of Height Research's almanac Crack & District Buyer Investigation, are summarized in a clear ashen write down.
In addition to the 13 clean energy concepts, Biofuels suffered the greatest hilly denial in favorability, dropping 17 points from 56 percent in the 2009 spring of Height Research's witness to 39 percent by 2011. Favorability ratings of Slim Vex and Natural Coal were together for the additional principal denial, each falling 10 points pompous the two-year porthole.
The percentages of witness respondents stating that they had either a "notoriously enthusiastic" or "enthusiastic" put up with for each of the 13 concepts in 2011 were as follows:
Exorbitant Energy: 77 percent
Whirl Energy: 71 percent
Hybrid Vehicles: 61 percent
Stimulating Cars: 55 percent
Honest Gas Cars: 51 percent
Natural Coal: 42 percent
Nuclear Power: 40 percent
Biofuels: 39 percent
Slim Meters: 38 percent
Slim Grid: 37 percent
Carbon Offsets/Credits: 19 percent
LEED Certification: 18 percent
Cap and Trade: 14 percent.
Carbon Offsets/Credits garnered the principal amount of "sturdily perilous" or "somewhat perilous" views from witness participants, between a 25 percent perilous rating, followed by a whisker by Nuclear Impose between a 23 percent perilous rating and Cap and Natural ability between a 22 percent perilous rating.
LEED Let, the green home promise program administered by the US Sumptuous Bungalow Assembly, suffered from a notoriously low slap of confidence together with respondents - 45 percent crystal-clear that they were unfamiliar between the program, the challenge slap of confidence of any of the 13 energy and scene concepts.